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New in: Shoedazzle, TNL, OLSP

New in: Shoedazzle, TNL, OLSP

Heyyyy!!!! I got these things some time ago (so the heading should be old-in..loool) but I never got to post it

I got the black single sole heels from ,I had been looking for single sole with chain detail since I spotted these Tom Ford beauties


But it’s sooo expensive! For me sha …so I was very happy when I found a cheaper alternative!! It was N6800 and you can pay on delivery
Warning: Do not wear this standing a long time …..I needed a full body massage when I tried it,but its worth it tho’

Floral heels: A lot of people ask me if shoedazzle delivers to Nigeria, No they don’t.I get mine through my grandma when she visits BUT I found a site here in naija where they sell shoedazzle shoes (! Guess what?! Most of the shoes are less than 10k! Cool right!! 😀

Our little secret place:I do most of my shopping online ,too lazy to step out ,so you can’t even imagine my Joy when I found this underwear store…And the lady that attended to me was sooo nice and helpful,she sent me a PDF of bras she thought id like(she ddnt even
know I was a blogger) and I got it in two days
Check the site HERE ,follow on twitter @ourlilsecrets ,bb pin: 2B1A0E37

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